We keep the access to systems securely in LastPass. In order for us to start the implementation we need to obtain the access to your relevant systems. If you do not have a LastPass account created yet please create one.

  1. Please login to your integrator.io account. Then visit this webpage: https://celigosuccess.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/229237208-How-to-share-credentials-with-Celigo-using-LastPass
  2. Follow a few easy steps to share access to your systems via LastPass.
  3. Notify us (your implementation team members) via email after you created your LastPass account. When we receive such notification we will add your LastPass user email address to a shared folder so you can provide the access to your systems. In addition, you can watch this YouTube video that explains how to share access with us.



If the video clip above cannot be played please visit this YouTube link: https://youtu.be/ASKXRxF7gJE

To save time, please test the access to your systems before entering credentials in LastPass to ensure we can access your systems without any issues.

Once the above tasks are completed, we will be able to start the implementation. The implementation process description can be found here.

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